Thursday, March 20, 2014

School Days

Tonight I just have a few random photos to share from some recent school days.
One day the girls decided to surprise me by dressing as "twins." Sarah Claire even wore her pretend glasses so she would look just like her big sis. 
 See, they matched from the back, too!
 Here's Sawyer hard at work on a math assignment...
and Lee Anna doing schoolwork in her favorite spot, "her" desk in the corner of the schoolroom. She has become remarkably independent with her schoolwork, which is wonderful since I've got two others who still need a little more attention and reminding to stay on task!
 Here's my little kindergartener having some letter fun with play dough,
showing off yet another completed workbook (have I mentioned she's flying through most of her KG stuff?), 
and posing for a pic after she surprised Lee Anna by reading this book to her at bedtime!
And I included this last picture because I don't have any others from our favorite part of the school day: Read Aloud Time. When everyone has completed their written work (math, handwriting, lang. arts, etc.), we all meet up on the couch for a snack and some reading together. Apparently, Sarah Claire had my phone with her during Read Aloud Time one day and snapped this picture of her snack. It may not look special to you, but those mini marshmallows are sent with love all the way from America! We can't get them here, so it's a super special treat when we get to have them!

And that's a little peek into our school day. Maybe I'll give Sarah Claire the camera again soon so she can document some more school day fun!

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