Sunday, March 16, 2014

It's a ...

Last week, Jason and I got the chance to see our newest family member in action and find out if we're going to be welcoming a baby brother or baby sister to our brood this summer. I knew the kids would want to know as soon as we got home from the doctor's office, but also wanted to find a fun way to tell them, so we decided on cupcakes with a hidden blob of blue or pink icing in the center.

I made them up the night before, and made two sets--blue and pink--so that we would be ready either way (because I knew that at our house, having extra cupcakes that needed to be eaten later is definitely not a problem). When we got home from our appointment, after a quick lunch, we brought out the cupcakes and explained what we were going to do.

Here we are, all ready to bite in and find the hidden icing!

You can watch the moment of discovery for yourself, or just scroll down to see the "after" pictures...

There were smiles all around when they discovered the cupcakes' blue middles. We are all looking forward to meeting our new baby boy this July!

And speaking of him, here's a sweet picture that the doctor was able to get of his face during the ultrasound.
We think he's pretty adorable already. Can't wait to see how he looks in person!

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