Friday, May 4, 2012

Plugging Along

We're steadily making progress toward the end of our school year, hoping to be done in about a month. In between the dusty days in April, we had some really pretty days. Some of those became Roof School Days! 

We've also been sprucing up our roof a bit this week, getting ready for a big event coming this weekend. You'll get to see more pictures of that soon, I'm sure.
This guy finished his Kindergarten math book this week. Here he is with the completed Book B! First grade, here he comes!
And here is our most recent art project! Sawyer is turning six this weekend, and he decided long ago that he wants an Angry Birds party. So I decided to combine party prep with elementary art, and we had a paper mache morning last week! We discovered that Lee Anna is much more excited about having gooey stuff on her fingers than her little brother. But while he wasn't so thrilled with the actual paper mache process, he loves the final product! Look for these guys back in another blog post soon.

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