Thursday, March 1, 2012

From the Passenger Seat

Riding as a passenger in a vehicle here is definitely more of an adventure than it is in the states. You just never know what you might see! These are all photos I've snapped recently while we were out and about around the city, and while they're all just average, everyday sights here, I know there was a time when I would have done a double take at any of these.

Just your average garbage collection truck.
Just your average pickup truck hauling the rain
(ok, so the rain part is NOT an everyday sight).
Just your average truck load of animal skins.

Just your average truck load of, um, food scraps.
Just your average truck full of cabbage. Yes, cabbage.
Just your average donkey cart riding down a major highway.
Just your average guy sitting 12 feet off the ground on top of a large, fast-moving vehicle.
Just your average Google snacks delivery truck. What? Google doesn't
make snacks where you live? I guess we're just ahead of the times!

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