Sunday, February 5, 2012

Christmas Part One

Our Christmas morning started just like yours did, I'm sure. I got online and ordered breakfast from McDonald's delivery, just like any other normal American dad. That gave us a 30-40 minute window to tell the Christmas story and get started on the presents before the pancakes and egg McMuffins showed up.
Let's back up a bit. Though we really did do that on Christmas Day, these pics are from a good bit earlier. We started the day after Thanksgiving, decorating the house and trimming the tree. We even had some festive holiday pancakes that morning (see above), and Sarah Claire wore her favorite Christmas sweater (see below).
Here's a shot of the living room on "Decorate for Christmas Day". The TV stayed on all day in the background so that we could keep up with news of the protests downtown again. Just like old times at Grandma's house.
Y'all smile for the camera!

The 25 days leading up to Christmas we have a countdown calendar. Traditionally, that would be the first 25 days of December, but we had a flight out on the night of December 19, so we pushed everything ahead 6 days and counted down to 19 December this year. Every day in the calendar, the kids find either candy or a paper that says "Christmas Activity." Some of the activities this year were gingerbread playdough... 
marshmallow snowmen...
and real-live gingerbread men!
And, in another old-school tradition, Daddy got to stay up late on Christmas Eve (aka December 18), working on the "Some Assembly Required" toys. Really, it was just this one little pink kitchen, but man did it have some parts. I think there were 37 parts, not including screws and other fasteners. The instruction manual was 20 pages. It took the better part of three hours to get it all together! Right behind me in this picture, you can see the iPad with the ESPN GameTracker keeping up with Tebow and the Broncos' game for me.
And here it is in its more finished form.
Lee Anna has been wanting a microscope for a long time! She'll have fun slicing things up to inspect them.
And Sawyer got his own guitar. And 10 years of lessons, to help him get started.
Sarah Claire loves the kitchen! (Boy am I glad!) She calls this her "iPhone," and she's having fun playing with it all. We've had lots of soup and sandwiches from her kitchen this month.
We had two more family Christmas celebrations in the States. But we'll save those for another night. 

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