Friday, June 29, 2012

Birthday Girl #1

It's high time we got some birthday pics on the blog! June is birthday month for both girls, so we had a fun week with lots of celebrating! Lee Anna chose to have her party at a local water park again this year, and we all had a great time enjoying the sun and water.
 We made some fun cookies n cream cupcakes (with Oreos on top and inside!)!
Here she is blowing out the candle on her birthday blueberry muffin (which she requested weeks in advance).
She got to open one gift before we left for the water park that morning. Daddy sent her on a little scavenger hunt around the house for it.
 One clue was even hiding in the freezer!
 She had a wonderful time with lots of sweet friends!
 And Sawyer had a pretty good time, too!
She got to open the rest of her gifts when we got back home, including this cute outfit from her cousins. We had a wonderful day celebrating our beautiful eight-year-old. We love you, Lee Anna Belle!

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